
It's time again for another hiatus from the universe of social networks. This time around this includes Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and caseyfreeland.com.

The easiest way for me to do that is to remove all the corresponding apps from my iPhone and iPad. I'll be doing that some time this afternoon.

For the few who don't know and the many who don't really care, I unplug for about sixty days every year.


Generally, it's to remember that life is life and social networking is not life.

Specifically it's to Write!

Last year when I unplugged I wrote 62,000 words. That's significant.

Unfortunately, I've hardly written anything since. This site, caseyfreeland.com, has been essentially ignored. I've posted six times in ten months, including a review of what I learned last time around, a review of the new Blogsy app I'm currently using, a whine about how I had stopped writing (seriously), a short-story I wrote after seeing a doctored photo online, a short-story reprint from a few years ago and a post I did while "retrospecting" in Maui. Arguably the only real writing in there was the photo inspiration.


So I unplug again and go at i

I think the biggest gift of this session will be the separation from the political rage currently sweeping the country. I'll return in two months and it'll all be over. And while I will make my own personal journey to the booth and assault any hanging chads with true vigilance, I will not have to endure the commands from millions of strangers, virtual acquaintances and far-off family members to vote for him or her or this or that.

That'll be nice.

And maybe I'll finish Mighty Quinn. And maybe I'll start Twin Waters. And maybe I'll submit. And maybe I'll have a reason to celebrate upon my return.

I'll take maybe.

Wish me luck and I'll type at you soon!



  1. Pam Orchard5/10/12 21:11

    Hugs Casey!!!

  2. I so respect your dedication to the craft of writing.

  3. nice...so you are back...how did it go?


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