I should be happy for my female blog counterparts and their upcoming excursion to Blogher 2010. That would be the gentleman's way to feel. I should be Mr. Jolly Good and Cheerio and Look at You! I should. But I'm really not. The six-year old boy inside me keeps yelling, "But what about meeeeee?" Someone should do a Wedding Crashersesque/Some Like it Hot treatment about a bunch of guys who infiltrate the Blogher world to, well, get with the women. I'm very excited about the accomplishments of those women who I've met through blogging, those who I almost feel like I know. Some of them have done spectacular things this year with their blog and are being recognized for their brilliance. But being happy for those folks and being disappointed at the nagging feeling that I didn't get invited to Marsha's seventh birthday party with the pony and balloons are not necessarily mutually exclusive. I have to ask why? Why is it that women can make such a strong con...