Mysterious Blog Posts?
A sunny day at Lake Britton Lately these blog posts have been appearing on my iPad. At first I was understandably confused. I am, after all, the only one who uses Padrick (my name for my iPad.) It's my baby, my constant companion and my writing machine. And it has a password. But, as I was saying, blog posts just started showing up. Check this out: "January 1st, 2011 - So, I missed another blasted year. I don't mean to complain, but if this is a joke, I just don't get it. I think I've been more than patient, but thirty-eight years is pushing even ME to my brink. I think I'll give it one more and then call it quits. CC" "January 19th, 2011 - I tried that light flickering trick again, but no one even noticed this time. Well, that's not true I have to say. The youngest one, the little sweetie boy, looked up at the light. I think he might have had a feeling too. He smiled a little just at the corner of his mouth. I like to believe he felt me, anyway. ...