14 Years and Still the Passion

I knew one of these days I'd be half of an old couple counting the years they had acquired. I just didn't think it'd happen so soon.

Well we're not exactly old in body or spirit. But we're quite suddenly much further along than we were the day my love first came to my door to pick up my daughter for a movie date.

I was so smitten, so immediately in lust with this woman. How smitten, you ask? While they were at the movies I cleaned my apartment ruthlessly, set out the guitar I had not yet learned how to play, and put on my Kid's Kingdom shirt.

Suddenly I was the clean, rock-star, community-involvement guy.

It worked, or something did.

That day we began to build our little traditions, to create the inside jokes, to form our family dynamic, our values, our hopes.

Mostly though, that's when the love began.

How is it that we are "two of the lucky few" who find the love of our lifes?

We can only shake our heads in wonder and close our eyes in appreciation and kiss each other as passionately as we always have.

I love you baby.

Thanks for all of it.



  1. Happy 14th anniversary! Your lady is lovely and I hope she reads your blog. You speak of her often, so clearly and so in the moment, never taken for granted, and always very loved.

    And you crack me up for putting out the guitar you didn't know how to play yet.

    Big sigh.

  2. Thanks Joanna. She is lovely. But, no, she doesn't read my blog. She shies away from all social networking, actually. Just not her thing. But she knows my heart.

    And I never did learn how to really play that thing. Silent Lucidity... I sort of played.


  3. What a lovely post. It's nice to see people still in love and still in respect for each other.

  4. Hi Casey, Hubby and I send you and your love a gigantic balloon filled with good wishes. Congratulations on your fourteenth anniversary. Many many more years together!!

  5. *sniff* The Darklord is most allergic too so much love like this.

    He needs a lie down.

    Congrats on the anniversary!

  6. You are lucky to have found each other. Congratulations to you both!

  7. awww..ya big softie :)

    Love this

    word verif is "upwoo"

    I would imagine the definition of that would be cleaning up your act to attract a certain person.

    and that you did, sir
    totally and completely

  8. Thanks Rene. You're awesome.



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