So I know this girl...

I have a handful of those I consider blog buddies in the cyber village and Suzy is one of them. She is one seriously funny chick and not afraid to say EXACTLY what she thinks.

She was kind enough to put me on the sidebar of her site for the month of July.

So if you don't yet follow Suzy, hop on over and check her out.



P.S. - Regarding my sidebar pic, guess how I got the letters in the mirror to face forward. Did not use any 'puter tricks.


  1. I made a guess over a Suzy's. Are you the Exorcist?

  2. the words? I'm thinking, I'M THINKING.

    The pic was taken of the mirror?

    See, now my head hurts.

  3. OK, it's obvious I'm wearing the shirt backwards. Also obvious I think that I'm taking my own picture. So, how did I take my own picture without reversing the words on the shirt in the mirror? Did not doctor the photo. :)

  4. You look good in the shirt.

  5. My brain hurts. Can I just get the answer? I'm just not that much of a critical thinker these days. But I am def intrigued.

  6. I'm in my bathroom. On one wall is a larger mirror. On the opposing wall is a small circular mirror. The picture is going through both mirrors, so it turns the letters around twice and back to normal.

    Kinda silly, huh?


  7. Ah-ha! I knew it would be something simple.

  8. Yeah, not really worth all the build up. Next time I'll do something truly nutty. Like go underwater or something. :)

  9. -->I keep forgetting to take a picture in my shirt but know the bar has been raised to be creative.

  10. I think someone should paint themselves green, tear up the shirt and give their best Lou Ferigno growl.


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